Sunday, July 5, 2009

what to bring for a bike ride

Biker Chicks ride leader, Libby, would like to remind riders in her group, please come with the following:

1. ID bracelet or something similar, drivers license or insurance card

2. cell phone with contact name ICE (in case of emergency)

3. any special medical information that the ride leader would need if you were to be in an accident, have this information on a card in your bike bag

4. ICE contact being someone who will answer the phone and be able to come get you, that means that they need a map or such if they are unfamiliar with the roads in chester county, i dont want have to give directions to person on phone other than the location of where we are or take the time to teach contact how to use google maps

5. BRING CUE and make sure you know where we are going and let your contact know where you are going as well

i do all of the above for every ride i go on, most do not, but if riding with me, make an effort to do the above, thanks and appreciation is given beforehand

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